
1000 ways to die death bites season
1000 ways to die death bites season

Locked in a Freezer: One of the deaths from the first season.The scissor lift telescopes onto him, decapitating him. Loan Shark: A pair attempts to extract $10,000 from a worker in "Odds Are You're Dead." The worker is on a hydraulic lift, so one shark cuts the hydraulic line.Lethally Stupid: Many idiots are killed by other idiots.Lethal Chef: The incompetent baker in "Slayer Cake" was almost a literal example of this, accidentally giving a customer the wrong flavor of cake, causing them to have a severe allergic reaction that put them in the hospital.As karma would have it, he takes the spiked drink instead. Laxative Prank: Happens in "S**t Canned," where Murph tries to do this to the bride at a wedding.

1000 ways to die death bites season

  • Last Disrespects: In "Dead Eye" after the Jerkass coach is stabbed in the eye by his own javelin, one of his students is very amused and takes a selfie with his corpse.
  • 1000 ways to die death bites season 1000 ways to die death bites season

    Laser-Guided Karma: A lot of victims are struck by this.Lampshade Hanging: "WHOSE IDEA WAS IT TO PUT A SPIKE ON THIS BELL?!" A host for a female wrestling match asks after a woman slips and gets impaled.

    1000 ways to die death bites season